Real Voices Media

Smart Phone & Zoom Video Storytelling
During a 13-month period, completed some 75 smart phone and zoom “man on the street” video interviews and produced the same number of edited stories about a wide range of issues such as:
How has delayed health care impacted you or your family?
What are the biggest challenges for millennials?
Do you have any concerns about food safety?
What is the worst and best thing about the COVID-19 stay-at-home order?
How has COVID-19 affected your mental health?
The stories were disseminated across a non-partisan group of 77 Facebook pages with a combined audience of 24.1 million people.
At a time of increased aggressive and offensive remarks online, I was tasked as a Real Voices Media producer with encouraging civil discourse between Americans from all walks of life via the creation of short video stories captured by my smartphone or zoom. My work was part of a wider nationwide storytelling effort by Real Voices Media exploring what individuals in local communities do and are interested in, and making sure they have access to civil online content they can trust.